Universidad del Pacífico


Trump refuses to endorse Paul Ryan in GOP primary: ‘I’m just not quite there yet’Philip Rucker

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump escalated his war with his own party’s leadership Tuesday by refusing to endorse House Speaker Paul D. Ryan or Sen. John McCain, two of the GOP’s highest-ranking elected officials, in their primary campaigns. Trump’s comments — an extraordinary breach of political decorum that underscores the... Leer más

Income growth has been negligible but (surprise!) inequality has narrowed since 2007

Alert voters everywhere realize the economy is neither as strong as claimed by the party in power nor the disaster described by the opposition. The election season will bring many passionate but dubious claims about economic trends. People running for office know that voters rank the economy near the top... Leer más

Donald Trump promete ley y orden con una visión sombría de Estados Unidos

El republicano Donald Trump se presentó este jueves como el presidente que devolverá la ley y el orden a Estados Unidos, renunciará al intervencionismo militar y defenderá al ciudadano de a pie ante las élites, que identificó con su rival, la demócrata Hillary Clinton. En el discurso estridente de más... Leer más

Editorial: El caudillo en el norte

La nominación del magnate inmobiliario Donald Trump como candidato oficial a la presidencia de Estados Unidos por el Partido Republicano desafía varias preconcepciones sobre los procesos políticos en el mundo desarrollado en general y en aquel país en particular. El señor Trump, conocido también por sus apariciones en programas de... Leer más

White people think racism is getting worse. Against white people

How do Americans think about the role of race in our country’s daily life? News reports, social media and uncomfortable dinner conversations often point to one conclusion: They disagree. Many white Americans believe that the United States has entered a post-racial phase; many black Americans believe that race is as... Leer más

Cruz Speech Upstages Pence’s Big Night

A night designed to celebrate and introduce Donald Trump’s running mate to the nation was instead colored by bitter divisions among Republicans, which played out for a national audience during a speech by a formal rival, Sen. Ted Cruz. Trump selected Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his running mate in... Leer más

U.S. Economic Confidence Stuck at Lower Level

Americans’ confidence in the economy remains weak, with Gallup’s U.S. Economic Confidence Index at -17 last week, consistent with levels seen since mid-June. This is in contrast to the stronger confidence levels seen for most of the first half of the year, when the index averaged -12. During the slow... Leer más

Bonos de reforma agraria del Perú desatan batalla legal internacional

Frances Coppola - Gestión

Una amarga batalla legal está en marcha en América Latina. A principios de junio, el fondo de cobertura Gramercypresentó una demanda contra el Perú sobre la valoración de los “bonos de la reforma agraria” que datan de la década de 1960 y 70. El caso será tratado no en el... Leer más

Let’s sue the conquistadors. A hedge fund’s campaign risks bringing free-trade deals into disrepute

Scattered across rural Peru are the ruins of thousands of casas hacienda (estate houses), reduced to broken porticos and crumbled walls. These decayed structures recall one of the most radical land reforms ever undertaken in a noncommunist country. In the 1970s a leftist military government expropriated 15,286 rural properties and... Leer más

EE.UU. pone obstáculos para equipar a nuestras aeronaves

Alejo Marchessini, corresponsal en Lima de la página web española defensa.com, del grupo Edefa, publicó el pasado 7 de julio una información de suma importancia para el gobierno que se inicia en diez días, que pondrá a prueba y permitirá medir exactamente la calidad y muñeca política de Pedro Pablo... Leer más

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