Universidad del Pacífico


Peru university students to join U.S. Gov’t-funded exchange program

The Embassy of the United States in Peru has granted scholarships to eight outstanding Peruvian university students, who will participate in the «Study of the U.S. Institutes for Student Leaders program» (SUSI) starting next month. The event will take place on January 7 – February 11, 2017 in the U.S.... Leer más

Bad News for America’s Workers

As US President-elect Donald Trump fills his cabinet, what have we learned about the likely direction and impact of his administration’s economic policy? To be sure, enormous uncertainties remain. As in many other areas, Trump’s promises and statements on economic policy have been inconsistent. While he routinely accuses others of... Leer más

In Election’s Wake, Partisans Assess the State of Their Parties

In the wake of the election, Republicans are feeling more optimistic about their party’s future. By contrast, Democrats’ optimism about the Democratic Party’s future has declined. And Democrats are more likely than Republicans to say their party has done too little to address the concerns of a number of groups,... Leer más

Retrospective views of the campaign

Today, 43% of Americans express a positive emotion about Donald Trump winning the election: 18% say they feel excited, while 25% say they are relieved. By comparison, in the days before the election, only 38% expected to feel one of these positive emotions, including just 12% who said they would... Leer más

EE.UU. da seis meses más a Perú para que cumpla recomendaciones laborales en el sector exportador

El Departamento de Trabajo de Estados Unidos emitió un pronunciamiento ampliando por seis meses el plazo para que Perú cumpla con sus recomendaciones laborales en el sector exportador textil y agroindustrial para acabar con las prácticas antisindicales y explotación laboral. En la respuesta, Estados Unidos reconoce algunos avances adoptados por... Leer más

Reconocen a USAID por su aporte al sector forestal al concluir proyecto Perú Bosques

El Director Ejecutivo del Servicio Nacional Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre (SERFOR) del Ministerio de Agricultura y Riego, John Leigh, agradeció el apoyo al sector forestal brindado por la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID) a través de su proyecto Perú Bosques. “Quiero agradecer de manera... Leer más

Electoral College Settles Donald Trump’s Victory, but Little Else

In Florida, protesters swarmed the Capitol rotunda, one hoisting a “Trump Is Too Rusky” sign featuring a hammer and sickle. In Wisconsin’s statehouse, a heckler shouted, “We’re all going to go to war and die thanks to you,” during the formal meeting of the Electoral College. And in New York,... Leer más

Will Trump Play Spy vs. Spy?

In recent days, President-elect Donald J. Trump has rejected the C.I.A.’s conclusions that Russian hackers attempted to sway the American elections, and has accused unnamed officials within the agency of trying to undermine him. And he has rejected the tradition of receiving the intelligence community’s daily briefing, implying that he... Leer más

‘Faithless electors’ explain their last-ditch attempt to stop Donald Trump

On Monday, the 538 members of the electoral college will gather in state capitols across the country to cast their votes for the next president of the United States. With 306 electoral college votes under his belt to Hillary Clinton’s 232, that person will almost certainly be Donald Trump. The... Leer más

Is Donald Trump a Threat to Democracy?

Donald J. Trump’s election has raised a question that few Americans ever imagined asking: Is our democracy in danger? With the possible exception of the Civil War, American democracy has never collapsed; indeed, no democracy as rich or as established as America’s ever has. Yet past stability is no guarantee... Leer más

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