Universidad del Pacífico


Despair, American Style

A couple of weeks ago President Obama mocked Republicans who are «down on America,» and reinforced his message by doing a pretty good Grumpy Cat impression. He had a point: With job growth at rates not seen since the 1990s, with the percentage ofAmericans covered by health insurance hitting record... Leer más

Votantes latinos en estados decisivos van por Hillary

Los votantes latinos que viven en 14 estados decisivos para las elecciones presidenciales del año que viene –los llamados “battleground states”– favorecen a Hillary Clinton en la primaria demócrata y a Jeb Bush en la primaria republicana. Entretanto, la imagen de Donald Trump entre el votante latino de estos estados... Leer más

At Island Rally, Ben Carson Says Puerto Rico Should Be 51st State

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson on Sunday advocated for Puerto Rico to become the 51st state. «When you stop and think about it Puerto Ricans have been Americans for a century or more already,» Carson said at a rally on the island for Ricky Rosselló, a gubernatorial candidate in Puerto... Leer más

Mississippi Flag, a Rebel Holdout, Is in a New Fight

LOUISVILLE, Miss. — In single strokes after the massacre of nine black churchgoers in Charleston in June, Confederate battle flagswere taken from statehouse grounds in South Carolina and Alabama, pulled from shelves at major retailers like Walmart and declared unwelcome, if to limited effect , at Nascar races. What happened... Leer más

Hillary Clinton on the influence of Wall Street on politics

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Democratic candidate for president, talks with Rachel Maddow about the political issues facing the South, the political influence of Wall Street and other industries, among other issues at the First in the South Democratic Candidates Forum.  …  Hillary Clinton on the influence of Wall... Leer más

¿Para que vendrá Bill Clinton al Perú la próxima semana?

Nueva York. El ex presidente de Estados Unidos, Bill Clinton, visitará la semana próxima El Salvador, Panamá y Perú en un viaje de tres días dirigido a conocer de primera mano el avance de varias iniciativas de su fundación en comunidades pobres. La Asociación Empresarial Clinton Giustra (CGEP) ha desarrollado... Leer más

Obama rejects Keystone XL pipeline

President Barack Obama rejected a permit for the Keystone XL oil pipeline on Friday, handing a major victory to green activists in the defining environmental controversy of his tenure, arguing that approving the project would undercut the United States’ status as a leader in fighting climate change. The pipeline “would... Leer más

Human Cost Rises as Old Bridges, Dams and Roads Go Unrepaired

WASHINGTON — A routine trip to run errands almost cost Katherine Dean her life. In February, just as Ms. Dean, of suburban Maryland, drove underneath a bridge on the Capital Beltway, a large chunk of concrete fell from the structure, crushing the hood of her car and smashing the windshield.... Leer más

Excanciller peruano descarta arbitraje norteamericano con Chile

Lima, 5 nov (PL) El excanciller peruano Gonzalo Gutiérrez consideró hoy innecesario que Chile y Perú acudan a un arbitraje de Estados Unidos sobre una nueva controversia limítrofe y dijo que esta debe superarse mediante el diálogo diplomático bilateral. «No creo que dos países tan avanzados en obligaciones bilaterales tengan... Leer más

Ben Carson pushes the boundaries of post-knowledge politics

Republican presidential hopeful Ben Carson, a top-tier contender, wrote on Facebook last night, “Are we sure political experience is what we need. [sic] Every signer of the Declaration of Independence had no elected office experience.” That’s not even close to being true; many of the men who signed the Declaration... Leer más

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