Universidad del Pacífico


Los republicanos moderados se neutralizan entre ellos

El magnate Donald Trump cuenta con una ventaja valiosa en su carrera a la Casa Blanca: sus rivales están divididos. La noticia de las elecciones primarias del martes en New Hampshire no es sólo la victoria rotunda de Trump, sino las dificultades del aparato republicano para hallar una alternativa a... Leer más

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders Win in New Hampshire

MANCHESTER, N.H. — Donald J. Trump and Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont harnessed working-class fury on Tuesday to surge to commanding victories in a New Hampshire primary that drew a huge turnout across the state. The success by two outsider candidates dealt a remarkable rebuke to thepolitical establishment, and all... Leer más

A siete años del TLC Perú-Estados Unidos: ¿Cuáles son los logros y retos?

El Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) entre Perú y Estados Unidos acaba de cumplir siete años de vigencia (2009-2016) y es un buen momento para reflexionar sobre los logros y los retos del acuerdo bilateral, más aún cuando ambos países están en campaña electoral para designar a sus próximos gobernantes. En ese contexto, la Universidad... Leer más

Remarks on the Seventh Anniversary of the U.S.-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement

Thank you for your warm welcome, and thanks to the University of the Pacific for hosting today’s event. I’m particularly glad to be here with Minister Silva, and I want to take this opportunity to congratulate her on her recent trip to New Zealand for the signing of the Trans-Pacific... Leer más

Unsafe Lead Levels in Tap Water Not Limited to Flint

In Sebring, Ohio, routine laboratory tests last August found unsafe levels of lead in the town’s drinking water after workers stopped adding a chemical to keep lead water pipes from corroding. Five months passed before the city told pregnant women and children not to drink the water, and shut down... Leer más

Obama seeks tax hikes on banks, the wealthy to pay for budget

President Barack Obama’s final budget proposal is a clarion call for Democratic progressivism — a $4 trillion spending blueprint that would pour billions into clean energy, education and Medicaid, and pay for it by raising taxes on big banks and the wealthy. But in an election season where both parties... Leer más

Millennials have a higher opinion of socialism than of capitalism

In my column today, I mentioned that one reason millennials prefer Bernie Sanders to Hillary Clinton is that they’re not just willing to look past Sanders’s socialism — they actually like his socialism. It’s a feature, not a bug.Here are some of the data I was referring to. In a recent YouGov survey, respondents were asked whether... Leer más

Los votantes latinos, (casi) invisibles en New Hampshire

Todo está listo para que hoy se realice la primera elección primaria presidencial en New Hampshire, en donde los precandidatos demócratas y republicanos compiten por ganar la nominación partidiaria para llegar a la Casa Blanca. Dentro de este este electorado, los hispanos son apenas el 2.2% del mismo, pero no quieren... Leer más

Democrats struggle to harness economic feelgood factor

Dismissing the dark economic narrative of the Republicans as “doom and despair”, Barack Obama on Friday claimed the US was seeing the most durable recovery of any advanced nation, as long-depressed wage gains finally gain traction. The president’s intervention ahead of Tuesday’s New Hampshire primaries pointed to hopes among establishment Democrats that the party... Leer más

Donald Trump and Ted Cruz alarm corporate America

Bemusement over the Republican presidential race is giving way to alarm in corporate America as the traditional party of business toys with nominating two candidates — Donald Trump and Ted Cruz — who many executives view as intolerable. The spectre of Mr Trump’s caustic bluster and Mr Cruz’s unbending conservatism has left some Republican-leaning... Leer más

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