Universidad del Pacífico


Rush-ing around To understand the Republican race, turn on the radio

TO MAKE sense of the Republican race for the White House, here is a short cut: get in a car, turn on the radio and drive. On the face of it, the conservative activists tasked with choosing the Republican Party’s next presidential candidate are in a confounding mood. Until about... Leer más

Most Americans say U.S. economic system is unfair, but high-income Republicans disagree

It has become one of the recurring questions of the 2016 presidential campaigns in both parties: Is the U.S. economic system fair to most Americans, or is it “rigged” to favor the rich and powerful? A substantial majority of Americans – 65% – say the economic system in this country... Leer más

Could Justice Antonin Scalia’s Death Lead to a Constitutional Crisis?

Just five minutes after the San Antonio Express-News broke news of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s death, Conn Caroll, communications director for Utah Republican Mike Lee, who sits on the Senate Judiciary Committee,said this on Twitter: “What is less than zero? The chances of Obama successfully appointing a Supreme Court... Leer más

What growing life expectancy gaps mean for the promise of Social Security

The U.S. Social Security system, which established old age benefits, is designed to be highly progressive by redistributing income from workers with high average lifetime earnings to workers—and their dependents—who have low lifetime earnings.Under the basic benefit formula, workers that make less over the course of their lifetime will see... Leer más

La inesperada muerte del juez conservador Antonin Scalia abre la puerta a Obama para controlar el Tribunal Supremo

En pleno periodo electoral, la política de Estados Unidos entró ayer en una dimensión desconocida. Una muerte inesperada puede cambiar de forma decisiva el balance del poder. El magistrado del Tribunal Supremo Antonin Scalia, de 79 años, falleció en Texas por causas naturales. La defunción de Scalia, uno de los magistrados más de... Leer más

In debate, a measured Clinton and an invigorated Sanders sharpen their pitches to voters

Hillary Clinton substantially adjusted her approach in Thursday’s presidential debate here, a reaction to her landslide loss in New Hampshire earlier this week. She went out of her way to underscore the areas in which she and challenger Bernie Sanders agree. She abandoned, most of the time, the fierce criticism... Leer más

La ola de deportaciones revive el movimiento de santuario en iglesias de Estados Unidos

“Enfrenté mucho maltrato violencia familiar y discriminación en Guatemala, porque soy indígena. Vine a Estados Unidos para pedir ayuda y no me iré sin dar la pelea”. Así describe Hilda Ramírez, guatemalteca de 28 años, su batalla por quedarse en el país junto a su hijo de 9 años, Iván.... Leer más

With Eye on Puerto Rico, Guam Says No to Territorial Bankruptcy

Puerto Rico has always gotten the most attention among the U.S. territories. It’s the most-populous, most-indebted, most-proximate to the mainland and most-vocal in pressing the case for bankruptcy. Now, officials from the other islands are speaking up as they seek to borrow. In Guam, which issued $143 million of tax-free water... Leer más

Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch Delivers Remarks at Press Conference Announcing Lawsuit to Bring Constitutional Policing to Ferguson, Missouri

Good afternoon and thank you all for being here.  I am joined by Vanita Gupta, head of the Civil Rights Division. Nearly a year ago, the Department of Justice released our findings in an investigation of the Police Department of Ferguson, Missouri.  Our investigation uncovered a community in distress, in... Leer más

Exportaciones no tradicionales del Perú hacia Estados Unidos se incrementan 90,3% desde vigencia del TLC

Durante el período 2009-2015, las exportaciones no tradicionales peruanas a Estados Unidos registraron un incremento de 90,3%, informó la ministra de Comercio Exterior y Turismo (Mincetur), Magali Silva. A siete años de vigencia del Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) entre Perú y los Estados Unidos, la funcionaria peruana destacó los... Leer más

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