Universidad del Pacífico


El auge de Trump exhibe la fractura política y social de EE UU

Nadie vio llegar a Donald Trump. Cómo un hombre sin experiencia política, pasó en unos meses de ser una figura de los reality shows a un aspirante serio a la Casa Blanca, es una pregunta que durante décadas ocupará a los expertos. El trumpismo es una reacción airada a la... Leer más

Rank and File Republicans Tell Party Elites: We’re Sticking With Donald Trump

From Michigan to Louisiana to California on Friday, rank-and-file Republicans expressed mystification, dismissal and contempt regarding the instructions that their party’s most high-profile leaders were urgently handing down to them: Reject and defeat Donald J. Trump. Their angry reactions, in the 24 hours since Mitt Romney and John McCain urged... Leer más

A Republican party torn by Trump’s unstoppable rise struggles to find unity

Though strongly supportive of Texas senator Ted Cruz and mostly suspicious of Trump, the audience at CPAC appeared even more skeptical of any attempt to rig the nomination process by party leaders in Washington. “There is no way that the people are not going to decide,” a defensive Priebus told CPAC. “Whoever the... Leer más

Stocks little changed after strong jobs report as investors focus on Fed

U.S. stocks, currently riding a three-day winning streak, opened little changed Friday after the February jobs report came in stronger than expected, signaling that the economy continues to grow despite slowing growth overseas and early-year financial turbulence. Wall Street is digesting fresh signs of strength in the employment market, as... Leer más

Mitt Romney a Trump: “Es un farsante, un fraude”

El ex candidato presidencial republicano Mitt Romney se zambulló el jueves en las aguas turbulentas de las primarias republicanas con duras críticas al favorito Donald Trump, a quien calificó de “farsante” a la vez que exhortó a sus correligionarios que lo rehúyan por el bien del partido y el país.... Leer más

ONU alerta del incremento de sobredosis por heroína y otros opioides en EE.UU.

Estados Unidos es el país con la tasa de mortalidad por consumo de drogas mas alta del mundo y a ello contribuye el incremento del consumo de distintos tipos de opiáceos y opioides, incluida la heroína, informó hoy la Junta Internacional de Fiscalización de Estupefacientes (JIFE). “En 2013 se comunicaron... Leer más

Afro-Latino: A deeply rooted identity among U.S. Hispanics

Identity for U.S. Hispanics is multidimensional and multifaceted. For example, many Hispanics tie their identity to their ancestral countries of origin – Mexico, Cuba, Peru or the Dominican Republic. They may also look to their indigenous roots. Among the many ways Hispanics see their identity is their racial background. Afro-Latinos... Leer más

EEUU alerta del aumento del consumo doméstico de drogas en los países andinos

Los Unidos alertó hoy de que el consumo doméstico de drogas está aumentando en los países andinos y que varios de ellos carecen de una estructura suficiente para tratar a los adictos, además de destacar un aumento en la producción de cocaína en Colombia y denunciar retrocesos en Bolivia y... Leer más

Peru asks U.S. to open FBI office in Lima

Lima, Mar. 1. With the aim of strengthening joint action strategies in the fight against organized crime, Interior Minister Jose Luis Perez Guadalupe and U.S. Ambassador to Peru Brian A. Nichols held a coordination meeting that suggested the creation of a legal attaché office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation... Leer más

5 takeaways from Super Tuesday

Democrats and Republicans ratified their respective front-runners on Super Tuesday — and the two winners revealed two parties galloping in radically divergent directions. The Democrats’ top priority in coalescing behind Hillary Clinton: running the country. Story Continued Below The GOP’s top priority: venting rage at how the country is being... Leer más

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