Universidad del Pacífico


Sanders: Reserva Federal debe ayudar a Puerto Rico

El senador de Vermont visita Puerto Rico como parte de su campaña con miras a las primarias en la isla que se celebrarán el próximo cinco de junio. El precandidato demócrata Bernie Sanders visitó Puerto Rico y señaló que la Reserva Federal debe tomar acciones para ayudar a la isla,... Leer más

How Trump Would Weaken America

CAMBRIDGE – Donald Trump, the Republican Party’s presumptive US presidential nominee, has expressed deep skepticism about the value of America’s alliances. His is a very nineteenth-century view of the world. Back then, the United States followed George Washington’s advice to avoid “entangling alliances” and pursued the Monroe Doctrine, which focused... Leer más

What Recovery? In Cities All Over America, the Middle Class Is Drastically Declining

Since the year 2000, more than 80 percent of metropolitan areas saw their household incomes decline, pointing to a shrinking middle class that’s fueling economic insecurity. According to the Pew Research Center, which previously documented a national trend of middle class decline, “the changes at the metropolitan level … demonstrate... Leer más

Why We Need More Resources for the Prescription Opioid and Heroin Epidemic

Today, the House of Representatives voted on legislation highlighting the national prescription opioid and heroin epidemic. While the Obama administration welcomes these and other Congressional efforts to call attention to this public health crisis, they are not enough without the actual funding needed to prevent opioid use disorders and increase... Leer más

Republican Party Unravels Over Donald Trump’s Takeover

By seizing the Republican presidential nomination for Donald J. Trumpon Tuesday night, he and his millions of supporters completed what had seemed unimaginable: a hostile takeover of one of America’s two major political parties. Just as stunning was how quickly the host tried to reject them. The party’s two living... Leer más

America the Great is Only Months Away

OK world, it is time for a wake-up call. It sure looks like “the greatest nation on Earth” is going to be led in the coming four years by either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. This will be good news for those in the greatest nation on Earth who drink the... Leer más

El Perú y EE. UU. revisan amenazas y retos comunes

Para dialogar sobre las relaciones bilaterales en el sector Defensa y las amenazas comunes en la región, como el narcotráfico y el terrorismo, el ministro de Defensa, Jakke Valakivi, se reunió con el comandante del Comando Sur de Estados Unidos de América, almirante U.S. Kurt W. Tidd. Valakivi saludó la... Leer más

La resistencia de Sanders obliga a Clinton a seguir girando a la izquierda

La capacidad de resistencia que está demostrando Bernie Sanders en la carrera por la nominación demócrata para la candidatura a la presidencia de Estados Unidos se ha convertido en una auténtica pesadilla para Hillary Clinton. La ex secretaria de Estado, que se planteó el proceso de primarias como un trámite... Leer más

Do Voters Care What Ryan Thinks About Trump?

House Speaker Paul Ryan, the most powerful Republican in Congress, says he’s not ready to endorse the GOP’s presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump. The two are scheduled to meet tomorrow in hopes of working things out, but most voters don’t care much whether they do or not. Thirty-two percent (32%)... Leer más

Can the Democrats and Republicans Heal Themselves?

 WASHINGTON, DC – The contests to decide the nominees of America’s two main political parties, the Democrats and the Republicans, for the presidential election are all but over. That leaves both parties facing the challenge of reuniting for the fall campaign – a feat that will be much harder to... Leer más

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