Universidad del Pacífico


Democrats release Benghazi report

Democrats on Monday pre-empted the upcoming release of a Republican-led House Select Committee report on Benghazi by issuing their own version of a probe into the 2012 terror attack that killed four Americans on Hillary Clinton’s watch as secretary of state. The move by Democrats on the panel was designed... Leer más

Clinton and Warren electrify Ohio crowd, sparking visions of a ticket

If there were any doubt that Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren are the “it” couple of the moment in Democratic politics, it was silenced here Monday when they took the stage together for the first time. The two nerdy wonks and feisty grandmothers, who built rival power centers on the... Leer más

In new poll, support for Trump has plunged, giving Clinton a double-digit lead

Donald Trump returns to the campaign trail from Scotland this week contending with sweeping unease about his candidacy as a large majority of Americans register their disapproval and see the Republican Party’s presumptive presidential nominee as discriminatory and unqualified, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. Following a month... Leer más

Corte Suprema deroga restricciones al aborto en Texas

Los jueces decidieron que una ley en Texas supone una “carga indebida” e inconstitucional contra las mujeres que desean realizar abortos. La Corte Suprema de Justicia de Estados Unidos derogó este lunes una ley que en Texas obligó al cierre de más de la mitad de clínicas abortivas y que... Leer más

Crecen las exportaciones peruanas a Estados Unidos

Perú recoge los frutos de una ardua labor de promoción y colaboración con el mercado americano. La tendencia de moda en el continente americano globalmente, ha ido cambiando, pasando de la predilección por el Fast Fashion a una moda más responsable y de calidad, aspecto que es el punto fuerte... Leer más

66% of GOP Voters Think Most Top Republicans Don’t Want Trump to be President

Despite Donald Trump’s record turnout in this year’s primaries, most Republican voters are convinced that their party’s leaders don’t want him to get elected. Sixty-six percent (66%) of Likely Republican Voters believe that most top GOP leaders do not want Trump to be elected president of the United States. A... Leer más

Barack Obama, the President of Black America?

IT was a crucial speech, high-stakes even for a man used to giving important speeches: The first black president of the United States had to acknowledge, and then bind up, the nation’s racial wounds. A year ago, after the massacre of nine souls at prayer at the Emanuel A.M.E. Church,... Leer más

America’s New Homegrown Terrorism Dilemma

The struggle against terrorism, and in particular the fight against modern Islamic extremism, could well be described as Sisyphean rather than Herculean. Governments, security agencies and police forces face an impossible task every day, where at many times a tip-off or a lucky break can make all the difference. So... Leer más

Bernie Sanders confirma que votará por Clinton en las elecciones

El aspirante demócrata a la nominación presidencial Bernie Sanders ha asegurado por primera vez, en declaraciones a la emisora MSNBC, que votará por Hillary Clinton, su rival como aspirante a la candidatura presidencial en el seno del Partido Demócrata, en las elecciones que se llevarán a cabo el próximo 8... Leer más

Obama: «“Les prometo, tarde o temprano, la reforma se hará”

El presidente Barack Obama se mostró decepcionado por la decisión de la Corte Suprema de Justicia —o la falta de ella— sobre sus programas de protección a los inmigrantes, y dijo que esta ha sido “desafortunada”. “La desafortunada decisión de la Corte nos lleva más lejos del país que queremos... Leer más

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