Universidad del Pacífico

Latest Election Polls 2016

Según el New York Times, Hillary Clinton mantiene una ventaja del 2% a nivel nacional sobre Donald Trump, con un 44 % de intención de voto.. Merece destacar que tras varios días dandole ventaja a Trump de 5%, la encuesta del Rasmussen Reporet da Clinton un ventaja de un 1%, es decir, un empate técnico. A nivel estatal, Clinton se muestra fuerte en estados claves como Minnesota, Virgina y New Hampshire. Por su parte Trump se muestra fuerte en losestados de Georgia y Arizona. La situación en la Florida no parece estar definida. Según el Times, Clinton tiene un 74% de posibilidad de llegar a la Casa Blanca.

The Upshot Forecast: Hillary Clinton has a 74% chance of winning the presidency →

Polls Dates Type, Respondents Clinton Trump Margin
Ipsos/Reuters New 9/27 – 9/28
42 38 Clinton +4
Public Policy Polling New 9/27 – 9/28
44 40 Clinton +4
Rasmussen New 9/26 – 9/28
42 41 Clinton +1
Morning Consult New 9/26 – 9/27
45 41 Clinton +4
UPI/CVoter New 9/21 – 9/27
48 48 Even
Ipsos/Reuters New 9/22 – 9/26
44 38 Clinton +6
Quinnipiac University 9/22 – 9/25
Live Phone1,115
44 43 Clinton +1
Monmouth University 9/22 – 9/25
Live Phone729
46 42 Clinton +4
NBC News/SurveyMonkey 9/19 – 9/25
51 44 Clinton +7
Morning Consult 9/22 – 9/24
44 42 Clinton +2

The New York Times polling averages use all polls currently listed in The Huffington Post’s polling database. Polls conducted more recently and polls with a larger sample size are given greater weight in computing the averages, and polls with partisan sponsors are excluded. Here’s how different types of polls work.

*Some pollsters do not include Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson in their questions. For the averages that include Mr. Johnson, we use all presidential preference questions that mention him. For more on Mr. Johnson’s chances, read on.

State Polling Averages

The candidates will focus on several key states. Below are the averages in crucial states with a new poll in the past month and at least three polls in 2016. A candidate needs 270 electoral votes to win the presidency.

State Average Margin Electoral Votes Upshot Forecast →
Minnesota Clinton +7.7 10 87%
Virginia Clinton +7.4 13 93%
New Hampshire Clinton +6.2 4 86%
Michigan Clinton +3.0 16 78%
Pennsylvania Clinton +2.9 20 82%
Wisconsin Clinton +2.4 10 76%
Florida Clinton +1.8 29 62% Clinton
North Carolina Trump +0.2 15 51% Clinton
Ohio Trump +1.4 18 52% Trump
Arizona Trump +3.7 11 75%
Georgia Trump +4.8 16 78%
Iowa Trump +5.2 6 61% Trump
Missouri Trump +10.1 10 93%
Strong Democratic states Won by Obama in 2012 by at least 10 percentage points 191
Strong Republican states Won by Romney in 2012 by at least 10 percentage points 154
Key states without recent polling Colorado and Nevada 15


Latest Election Polls 2016

The New York Times   September 30, 2016

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